
Sheep, by their very nature, are very sustainable.

Small in size so they don’t damage the fields. Grow their own fleece to keep themselves warm in the winter. Even their droppings are evenly spread around the fields as to not destroy the fields. In previous times, sheep were known as the “Golden Hoof” due their ability to manage grasslands, neatly level the fields with their hoofs, spread their precious manure around the fields. Sheep also play an important role in maintain hilly/mountainous areas as they can provide these services in places even the best machines can’t. Sheep were one of the first animals domesticated by humans. Providing man with meat, milk, wool, tools (horns) and a method of carrying their belongings long distances.
Utilising the best of the Ireland’s grasslands with the inherent sustainability of sheep, we create an extremely sustainable dairy product. In New Zealand, their studies have shown that sheep milk production resulted in 30-50% less nitrates leaching than cow milk production. This is so important especially as like New Zealand, we get our fair share of rain that we do not want the droppings of our animals being washed off the soil and into the waterways, causing pollution.
In terms of production of milk, Sheep milk is 50% higher in milk solids (proteins, fats, calcium, carbohydrates and other minerals for example). We can also carry a lot more sheep than cows per area of land. As a result, we actually produce a comparable amount of milk solids per area of land. Sheep are sustainable and productive.
Our sheep still provide, on average, nearly two lambs each and two fleeces per year (we shear the sheep twice a year so we can keep them clean and tidy).
Gentle on the land and gentle on the tummy!